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Dwarf benefits can supplement disability and workers’ comp

In truth, it is not dwarf benefits; it is DWRF benefits and it can make all the difference for Ohio workers brought down by a workplace injury. An acronym for Disabled Workers’ Relief Fund, DWRF can supplement your workers’ compensation benefits if an on-the-job injury results in a permanent disability. It can also supplement…

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Workers’ compensation benefits for victims of black lung disease

Black lung disease, or pneumoconiosis, sounds like an illness that plagued victims in a long lost era. While it is true that this pulmonary condition is ancient, it is still harming far too many Ohio coal miners. The nation continues to rely on fossil fuels like coal for many reasons. Examples of its continued…

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Changes may be coming to Ohio workers’ compensation law

According to a report, about 117,000 members of the Ohio workforce suffered an injury or illness in 2017 due to workplace hazards. This level of occupational injury highlights how necessary the state’s workers’ compensation program is to employees. Workers rely on these benefits to fill the gap when an illness or injury takes them…

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Dishonest employers and your right to workers’ compensation

As you no doubt are aware, working for a living can sometimes be hazardous to your health and well-being. From workplace accidents to dangerous chemical exposure, nearly all work opportunities come with at least some amount of risk. The workers’ compensation program exists to protect employees against the financial hardships that accompany a work…

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Ohio workers’ compensation and total temporary disability

Workplace accidents typically result in only minor injuries. Unfortunately, sometimes these incidents leave a worker suffering from total disability. In some cases, the disability may be permanent, but in many others, injured workers will recover enough to return to work. While total temporary disability is unfortunate, at least you still have a chance to…

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What is occupational asthma?

Of all the health risks present in a workplace, exposure to toxic substances is perhaps the most insidious. In many cases, workers cannot even see these substances, making it difficult to protect themselves from exposure. Further, unbeknownst to workers, toxic hazards exist in many industries — even those that may seem very safe. Following…

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Workers’ compensation should pay when injured workers overdose

Everyone agrees that workers’ compensation is a wonderful program. The sense of security it brings to Ohio workers is superseded only by the actual benefits of the program. Some of these benefits include medical treatment for work injuries, income replacement and access to prescription medication. All of these benefits come at no cost to…

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When your workers’ compensation claim is denied, take action

Most Ohio residents would agree that suffering a workplace injury is quite traumatic. Now imagine learning that your workers’ compensation claim has been denied. Experiencing a denial of the benefits you rightfully deserve can make an already troubling situation much worse. Without workers’ comp benefits you will have to pay for your own medical…

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Workers’ compensation: Many safety violations at plastics maker

The manufacturing industry exposes workers to multiple safety hazards. This was underscored by the fines of more than $250,000 that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration proposed after completing two inspections at the facility of a plastics manufacturer in Ohio. Injuries related to electrical hazards and defective industrial machines make up a significant percentage…

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9,927 nursing assistant workers’ compensation claims in 5 years

Government statistics and researchers indicate that nursing assistants are part of one of the most hazardous profession in the country. According to the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, almost 10,000 claims were filed by employees of nursing homes during the past five years. Approximately one-third of those followed injuries caused by overexertion. Statistics also…

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