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Dishonest employers and your right to workers’ compensation

As you no doubt are aware, working for a living can sometimes be hazardous to your health and well-being. From workplace accidents to dangerous chemical exposure, nearly all work opportunities come with at least some amount of risk. The workers’ compensation program exists to protect employees against the financial hardships that accompany a work injury or illness. Some of these benefits include:

  • Paying for all medical expenses related to the work injury or illness
  • Paying for treatments designed to help workers heal, such as physical or vocational therapy
  • Replacing a portion of any wages lost because of the work-related illness or injury

It is safe to assume that employees feel secure knowing that workers’ compensation will help in the wake of an accident. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous employers try to prevent injured workers from accessing the benefits they are due. The reason for such dishonorable practices revolves around the company’s bottom line.

Even though the system protects employers from most worker lawsuits, their workers’ compensation insurance premiums may rise after workers file claims. Dishonest employers may try to circumvent such a rise in premiums by blocking a worker’s efforts to acquire their workers’ comp injury benefits.

We want to make certain you understand that these practices are illegal. No employer has the right to discourage or prevent you from gaining access to your workers’ compensation benefits. Further, you can seek a legal remedy if your employer interferes with your right to file a claim.

Our lawyers encourage all members of the Ohio workforce to learn more about the program to help you identify illegal actions on the part of your employer. You can find additional information about your rights by continuing to review our website.