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Rear-end collision turns fatal for Ohio driver hit by truck

We see commercial-sized vehicles on the road quite frequently across Cleveland as their make their way from state to state. Generally, we may not think anything of the enormous trucks that drive alongside us, carrying heavy or hazardous cargo, but the fact is that these tractor trailers can pose a serious threat to other motorists.

Semi trucks are not the same as passenger vehicles. Because the trucks are larger and more complex, there are additional state and federal laws with which operators must comply. Drivers also needs special licensing in order drive one. There are even different braking systems installed in these huge trucks that are supposed to help them slow down, as it takes a truck about twice as long as a car to come to a stop. But even with all these additional precautions, truck accidents in Ohio still happen, and they can often end with catastrophic of fatal injuries to other people. 

One recent accident served as a grim reminder of what kind of damage can be done when a truck is involved in a crash.

It was early in the morning and many people were still making their way into work when an accident on the road created a backup of traffic. As motorists slowed down and stopped for the congestion, one truck driver failed to react in time. The truck smashed into the back of a 42-year-old man’s vehicle, killing him.

In rear-end collisions involving another passenger vehicle, victims can often expect to suffer back and neck pain, maybe some lacerations or broken bones in a crash. These can also be considered serious injuries. But because of how large and heavy trucks are, the injuries suffered by victims are oftten either catastrophic or fatal. 

Accidents involving a commercial-sized vehicle are not the same as an accident between two cars. Besides the different levels of damage that can be done, truck accidents can often be caused by different factors, including unqualified drivers, overloaded cargo, hours-of-service violations or improper maintenance. It can be difficult for people to take on trucking companies alone after an accident because of how much more complex the situation may be. That is why many victims of a truck accident work with a personal injury attorney in order to pursue compensation. 

Source: Tallmadge Express, “Update: Kent Man Killed in I-76 Accident This Morning,” Sept. 6, 2013