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Ohio man keeps positive attitude through bike accident recovery

An Ohio State student who was hit by a dump truck while riding his bike on campus earlier this year told reporters that the recovery from his injuries has been difficult, but that he is maintaining a positive outlook. The young man lost a leg when he was hit by the truck and has undergone multiple surgeries to try to repair the other leg. His family told local news sources that things have been getting steadily better and that he is working hard to regain function in his leg.

The case involves a criminal investigation, which the family says is ongoing. They have expressed displeasure at how long the police have been investigating the accident without releasing information to them which could be incredibly helpful to them as they look for answers about the accident and seek to hold the negligent driver responsible.

The young man’s struggle shows how devastating a truck accident can be, but his positive attitude provides an inspiring example of how victims can work towards recovery.

For victims of bicycle or truck accidents, the physical recovery is only one part of the equation. In addition to medical expenses and the stress of surgeries and physical therapy, victims who have suffered from severe injuries are also often unable to continue to work or attend school. The young man’s family told reporters that he would like to return to Ohio State to complete his education, but that may be a long way off in the future. In the long term, that may end up being costly for the student and his family, as student loans come due while he is out of school and he misses opportunities to begin working.

Lost wages or lost earning capacity is generally taken into account when truck accident victims seek compensation from the responsible party. Victims who suffer from a permanent disability are also able to seek compensation for the different accommodations that they will need in their homes and at their workplaces, whether that is modifying a home to be wheelchair accessible or getting adapted workstations to fit the victim’s new needs.

Source: The Lantern, “Ohio State student loses leg, stays positive in ‘very painful’ recovery,” Sarah Niekamp, Dec. 4, 2012.