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An overview of the Ohio workers’ compensation program

Those who have worked for any length of time already know that workers’ compensation provides financial benefits after a work injury. The existence of the program gives Ohio workers comfort because they know that help is available in the wake of an on-the-job injury. However, knowing about workers’ compensation is not the same as understanding how it works.

For example, benefits do not automatically kick in after an injury. You must first make a formal injury report with your employer and then file an official claim before you begin receiving your benefits. Because some injury symptoms do not manifest right away, you have two years from the date of your injury to file your claim.

The Bureau of Workers’ Compensation has 28 days to review your claim and make its decision on whether to deny or approve your claim. If your claim is denied, you have only 14 days to appeal this decision. It is critical not to wait when you wish to appeal a claim denial. It is worth noting that an experienced law firm may increase the odds of filing a successful appeal.

Once the Bureau approves your claim, you may be eligible for a variety of benefits in Ohio. Examples include:

  • All medical care costs associated with your work injury
  • Death benefits, which will go to your family members if your accident results in your death
  • Permanent, temporary, partial or total disability benefits
  • Wage loss compensation for missed work or reduced income caused by your injury

You should also know that you have legal rights if the Bureau decides to deny your workers’ compensation claim. Working with a qualified legal professional is a good way to exercise these rights and obtain the benefits you need to recover and continue providing for your family.