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Become a good investigator following a car crash

There is a reasonable chance that you will be involved in a vehicle accident at some point in your life. Rear-end collisions, for example, are among the most common traffic accidents in our country.

If you appear to be unhurt and are feeling all right, practice your sleuthing skills by gathering information about the accident.

Take lots of photos

Your cellphone camera will come in handy following a car crash. Take pictures of the accident scene including highway markers or street signs. Take pictures of the vehicle damage and even the license plate of the other car. Take pictures of tire marks on the road or related evidence of the crash.

Record pertinent details

Jot down information or use your cellphone to record accident details, such as weather conditions. When the police come to the scene, listen carefully to anything the other driver tells the officer. Did he mention being distracted by something when his car struck yours? Did he make some other excuse for the crash?

Get contact information

You and the other driver will exchange insurance and contact information, but check to see if there were any witnesses to the accident. If so, try to get their contact information, as well.

Go for a medical evaluation

If you are the victim of a minor accident, you may just want to go home and take it easy afterward, but head for the closest emergency room or ready care facility instead. Even if you feel fine, the doctor’s report from a prompt medical evaluation will be very important. Although your well-being is the priority, remember that insurance companies review medical records. A medical report is related to your investigation: It will link any injuries you may have to the car crash. This will be valuable when your attorney negotiates insurance compensation to cover your medical bills and any other costs you incur because of the accident.