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Staying safe around the pool in Ohio

The summer months tend to be a time when people go to private and public pools to get a break from the heat. However, both children and adults can be vulnerable to drowning, which means precautions should be taken when swimming at a public pool or at a friend’s house. For instance, those who are in or around a pool should refrain from drinking alcohol or taking drugs as even good swimmers can be susceptible to drowning while under the influence.

Medical emergencies may make it difficult to stay above water, and it may be possible to go under without being able to yell for help. At the beach, rip tides may present danger to swimmers and lead to drowning without anyone noticing before it is too late. Children should always be supervised by adults who are capable of paying complete attention to their safety and well-being.

Distractions such as books, computers or cell phones may increase the risk of a child getting hurt or even dying while swimming. It may be best if there is more than one adult supervising a child or children as they can take turns watching them. Regardless of where injury or death occurs, it may be possible to take legal action against the pool owner if the injury is the result of his or her negligence.

If an individual is harmed or killed while swimming, a premises liability lawsuit may be pursued against the owner of the pool. An attorney may be able to establish that the owner did not meet the duty of care toward an invited guest. Injured victims may receive compensation for their injuries while family members of those who die may receive compensation for lost wages and future earnings as well as to cover the victim’s medical and final expenses.