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Lawsuit alleges Essure birth control harmed women

Women in Ohio who chose Essure as their birth control method should be concerned by reports of serious side effects. The Food and Drug Administration has received numerous complaints from women with health issues that they blame on the nonsurgical implants. A lawsuit with 32 women plaintiffs has been filed against the maker of the implants, Bayer AG, claiming that they were not adequately warned about potential health problems.

Alleged side effects range from hair loss to memory problems to bleeding. The implants are coils of nickel-titanium and polyester fibers that are inserted into both fallopian tubes. Scar tissue forms in the tubes to permanently prevent pregnancy after a three-month waiting period.

A physician associated with Bayer insists that severe side effects from Essure are very rare. According to the manufacturer, the implants went through the proper clinical trials and approximately 750,000 women have depended on the birth control method since the FDA approved it in 2002. The company plans to defend itself from the personal injury claims and keep Essure on the market. A lawyer from the legal team representing the women expressed eagerness to present the case in court.

People who have been harmed by a defective product might want to discuss their situation with an attorney who has experience handling product liability litigation pertaining to medical devices. The fact that a product obtained approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is not necessarily a barrier to prevailing in a lawsuit, and an attorney may find it advisable to first seek a settlement.