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A liability breakdown for some obscure premises situations

When it comes to premises liability, many people tend to think of situations pertaining to landlords and apartments. Maybe someone slipped on the stairs, or a person’s apartment just wasn’t up to code. As a result, the injured or affected party filed a lawsuit against the landlord or property owner. However, there are many…

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What is behind Takata’s defective airbags?

Now we know that Takata Corp. produced deadly, defective airbags that were put into millions of the most popular automobiles in the United States. What we do not know — at least not yet — is what the airbags’ defect exactly was. The airbags could burst with too much force, causing sharp pieces of…

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This summer, watch out for dangerous premises in Cleveland

Summer is an exciting time for people all across Ohio, particularly children. School is out, vacations are on the horizon and there is plenty of time to spend outside. However, people of all ages need to remember that there are some risks that come with summer that can lead to serious accidents and injuries….

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