We at Bashein & Bashein hope that you are safe and healthy during this crisis. We would like to take some time to discuss COVID-19 and workers’ compensation. We have received many questions about whether someone diagnosed with COVID-19 can file a workers’ compensation claim.
If you, a family member or a friend believe they were exposed to COVID-19 in the workplace or as a result of work duties, please contact us. Occupations related to workplace exposure include but are not limited to:
- Police officers;
- Fire fighters;
- Other first responders;
- Doctors, nurses and any other care giver in the medical field;
- Delivery truck drivers;
- Grocery store workers;
- Drug store workers;
- Restaurant workers;
- Warehouse workers;
- Transportation workers;
- Construction workers; and
- Any workers that is exposed to COVID-19 in their work.
If you, your family member, friend or a lost loved one believe they developed COVID-19 as a result of exposure at work, please feel free to contact us at 216-771-3239 to discuss a potential workers’ compensation claim.
Bashein & Bashein has proudly represented first responders and medical care workers’ since 1949 for injuries, cardiorespiratory conditions, cancer diagnoses and infectious disease.
Please stay well.